Tie interceptor first order
Tie interceptor first order

tie interceptor first order

The TIE/LN is the most common variety of TIE. I’ve also gone and underlined the title of every CANON starfighter here, again, because I’m a pal. The TIE/rb, TIE/fo, TIE/vn, TIE/D Defender Elite, TIE Striker, and TIE Reaper have all been added since initial publication, with some new blurbs added to other TIEs as well. UPDATE: Cause I’m a pal, I’ve gone and updated this article as more TIE variants have come out. There’s a lot of ships to go through, so let’s get started. I decided to include every variant used by the Galactic Empire (which means no Mining Guild TIE Fighter or Chiss Clawcraft) that had been visually portrayed, which means that a few variants only ever mentioned in passing don’t show up. A few don’t even have actual appearances rather, they’re described in reference guides. Some had so few appearances that they never even got an official designation (which, considering how I own a three volume Star Wars Encyclopedia and Wookieepedia is sitting at over 100,000 articles, is frankly goddamn amazing). Here’s the thing: a lot of these variants only ever had one or two appearances.

tie interceptor first order

I thought I would go through the movies, Legends, and Rebels and put together a list of the various TIEs out there. You can spot a bunch of varieties in the films, but when all is said and done there are an awful lot more to keep track of. The thing is, though, that I barely began to scratch the surface of all the different TIEs out there. In that piece, I talked about a few different versions of the TIE Fighter, all from sources other than the movies. Last week’s piece on X-Wing Miniatures inspired me to do some more articles about starfighters.

Tie interceptor first order